Site dédié à l'acteur américain Sean Murray
Hocus Pocus, JAG, NCIS
Site dedicated to the American actor Sean Murray
Hocus Pocus, JAG, NCIS
Here is the solution of the third game. All the dialogues are complete.
Quote 1:
Ducky: Now that you mention it, I had an uncle who drowned in a vat of alcohol.
Mcgee: I'm so sorry.
Ducky: Of course he reportedly climbed out three times to go to the bathroom.
Quote 2:
Gibbs: Roommates are never a good idea.
McGee: You had one, boss?
Gibbs: I had three. They're called wives.
Quote 3:
Tony: "Me and McGee watched the sunrise together... It was very Brokeback Mountain."
McGee: "He had me at howdy."
Quote 4:
Gibbs: McGee, less talk more of the computer chip doo-da.
McGee: Making with the doo-da boss!
Fornell: Doo-da?
Gibbs: Yeah, it's a technical term Tobias... you wouldn't understand.
Quote 5:
McGee(talking to DiNoozo on earwig):"Oh you'll slap me?"
Prostitiute(standing next to McGee on st.):"If that's what you want honey"
DiNoozo:"Go for it McFreaky, Goldilocks is just your type."
Quote 6:
McGee: Now all we have to do is scan 800,000 miles of satellite imagery and pray we get lucky.
Abby: I am a scientist, McGee. Luck has nothing to do with it and/or us.
McGee: Okay, then how do you explain something like Gibbs's gut?
Abby: Well, that's easy: Gibbs is lucky.
McGee: But... but you just said that...
Abby: He's not a scientist.
Quote 7:
Tony: Probie!
McGee: On it Boss... Tony.
Tony: Ha.
Ziva: What?
Quote 8:
Tony: What's my motto, McGee?
McGee: You'll never date a woman who eats more than you do?
Quote 9:
Tony: You were hysterical like a little girl.
McGee: I was not.
Tony: You were hugging the ladder. Ladder hugger.
Quote 10:
Tony: Steady probie.
McGee: Tell that to my stomach.
(Tony bends down to height of McGee's stomach)
Quote 11:
Tony: I recognize that look. You had sex and I think it was with a woman.
McGee: No
Quote 12:
Gibbs: '...Dinozzo, you're on McGee's sister'
Dinozzo: 'Ah! With great pleasure boss!'
McGee: 'Boss um, maybe Tony'd be better on the taxi...'
Quote 13:
McGee: Just push the buttons I tell you to push, monkey.
Tony: Love is not treating you well.
Quote 14:
McGee: Abby, what is that noise, turn it down.
Abby: (bitter) Brain Matter.
McGee: Oh... I love them.
Quote 15:
Abby: Gibbs! Gibbs! Gibbs! I did it!
McGee: What? You mean we!
Abby: There’s no “we” in McGee.
Quote 16:
Abby: You know what my biggest pet peeve is?
McGee: People who say they're vegetarians but eat chicken?
Quote 17:
Abby: "Wake him up!"
McGee: "I don't know. Maybe he needs the rest."
Abby: "He's not resting! Those eyeballs are disco dancing under those lids."
McGee: "Disco dancing? Is that back?"
Abby: "It's Gibbs. It never left."
Gibbs: "McGee should have."
Quote 18:
Kate: "McGee, can't you tell when somebody's kidding with you?"
McGee: "I used to and then I met you guys."
Quote 19:
Tony: "You listen to Yanni. And you have an unauthorized game on your computer."
McGee: "Okay, it's your game, Tony."
Tony: "You shouldn't have beaten my high score."
Quote 20:
Tony: "I don't kiss and tell, Kate."
McGee: "Since when? I know more about your sex life than I do my own, Tony."
Tony: "Well, that's not hard to believe, Probie, considering you don't have one."